
Yes, Gingrich and Other Republicans are Delusional About Oil

Killgore Trout12/16/2011 12:02:47 pm PST

re: #18 engineer dog

Well, sort of. There are no “official” leaders but in reality those who have the most influence and are better organized will control the direction of OWS.
Occupy Wall Street Prepares to Occupy Fort Meade in Solidarity with PFC Bradley Manning

The bus trip was proposed by the WikiLeaks Truck working group of Occupy Wall Street and passed unanimously by the New York City General Assembly late last Saturday night.

“Occupy Wall Street owes a huge debt to Bradley Manning. He has been subjected to torturous conditions and is now facing 52 years in prison for the alleged crime of standing up for truth and justice,” says Melanie Butler, an organizer with CODEPINK: Women for Peace and a member of Occupy Wall Street, who helped organize the bus trip. “He is a hero of our generation and we are honored to stand in solidarity with him on the 3-month anniversary of the movement he is charged with helping create. The information he is accused of releasing contributed to Occupy Wall Street and democratic revolutions across the Middle East. He is charged with democratizing information for the 99%.”