
Where's the Coverage? Palestinian Leaders Allegedly Pocket Hundreds of Millions in Aid Money

lawhawk6/06/2012 7:26:38 am PDT

The problem isn’t necessarily the message, but the messenger - aigle/spambot has been doing nothing more than pushing links from CAMERA, and instead of participating in discussions about some important subject matter, it’s a drive-by.

That’s the main reason that so many people down-ding these posts. It’s because they’re showing displeasure with the methods CAMERA is using. Many of these same people would probably upding these same posts had CAMERA/Aigle actually stuck around to discuss the posts or do anything more than merely link back. It’s a waste of their (CAMERA’s) time and effort IMO to continue with this.

Just think that if CAMERA did send someone over here to post and engage in discussion how much further these posts would get - wider distribution. It’s a failed strategy on their part.