
Rolling Stone Asks Columbia Journalism School to Audit Their UVA Rape Story

Citizen K12/23/2014 8:14:27 am PST

re: #228 lawhawk

For all that the debunking means. We’ve seen the movie time and time again: outrageous claim taken on its face, front page news for 3 months. The debunkings and corrections of said outrageous claim, with only minimal research needed to put paid to them? Not even section A of the news paper, not even 5 minutes on cable news. Maybe a one-line correction on a future story.

There’s no actual consequence to bullshit these days, at worst it turns into ‘both sides same thing’. Meanwhile, folks like Obama and de Blasio can tell the truth about what a black man or the parent of a black child has to go through, and it becomes “THEY TOLD EVERYONE TO KILL COPS, LIBERAL RACIST PSYCHOPATHS, BURN THEM!!!” to what feels like the entire fucking country at this point.

Just….holy shit, the freakout is just so toxic and demoralizing, both in the craziness, and how widespread it exploded. Just…how do you move forward when more than half the country reacts like this and a good quarter of the country pulls the ‘both sides same thing’ bullshit?