
Friday Night Jam: Ty Tabor, "Wouldn't You Like to Be"

Justanotherhuman3/14/2015 9:43:09 am PDT

re: #227 retired cynic

Jim Wright took a while, but he has done a post on the 47-senators. To call it a righteous rant is weak tea. Highly recommended.


“Cotton, Johnson, and their allies, these people are fanatics in the most extreme sense. They are more fanatical in point of fact than Iran’s Ayatollahs given that those hardline Islamists are at least willing to meet the Obama administration halfway.

“This agreement, the one being negotiated by the P5+1 isn’t a deal between the United States and Iran.

“It is vastly, vastly, more complicated than that.

Yes, it includes 5 other fucking countries. Not only are these heinous Rs trying to scuttle an Obama “deal”, they’re doing the same to our allies.

“And not only did republicans attempt nothing less than a Nixonesque sabotage of the deal to further their presidential ambitions, no, what these forty-seven short-sighted selfish sons of bitches have done is even worse. These fanatics have sent a message to not only our enemies, but our strongest allies and largest economic trading partners (and rivals) that any agreement with the US is not to be taken seriously and could, in fact, dissolve at any moment based on the unpredictable whims of American partisan politics - not to mention America’s increasing religious fanaticism and stated willingness to sacrifice our own children for Israel’s political goals.”