
Cory and the Wongnotes: "Crisis" (Feat. Big Wild)

No Malarkey!4/15/2022 7:55:13 am PDT

re: #229 Targetpractice

Give the corruption and rank stupidity we’ve seen so far in the Russian ranks, alongside losses like the Kursk to piss-poor maintenance and safety training of weapons that are dangerous even when properly maintained, I would not be surprised if the Black Sea Fleet’s flagship was lost due to a fire that got out of control to the point that weapons began cooking off. Though I’m not sure why the Russian govt thinks this is a better look than admitting the ship got smacked by two anti-ship missiles and the damage was so serious that the crew simply could not save the ship before the weather finished the job.

I saw a funny tweet that went like this:
Ukraine: We sunk your battleship!
Russia: No, we sunk it ourselves due to rank incompetence!