
ABC's Stephanopoulos Violating Journalistic Ethics?

bellamags2/04/2009 3:15:44 pm PST

re: #216 Guanxi88

Look, regarding Soros - yes, the man’s a dirt-bag beyond redemption. I think it was Thailand? (One of those southeast asian nations, anyway) got their currency wrecked by the guy for gain. I don’t put the willful destruction of a nation past him; but the profit in wrecking us is unclear. He wants to remake society, fine. Like a lot of folks, he thinks he can guide and direct smooth and likely demagogues (Barry, of course) to attain his ends. Well and good.

But the thing is, it’s very hard to control guys like that, especially if you’re a plutocrat trying to stir up socialist fervor for your own benefit. They’ll turn on you the first chance they get.

With Barry, I think his big-money backers thought there was so little to the man that they could do with him as they wished. The cavernous void that is his character can be filled by any number of apparently mutually-contradictory hopes, expectations, and projections (his most fervent followers know next to nothing about the man that they haven’t made up themselves).

So, the guy’s a zero. This, we know already, but what nobody expected is that he’s a zero with ideas (however confused) of his own.

I don’t think Soros is interested in making a profit just yet.