
Iran's Manhattan Project

Trialdog4/03/2009 5:30:46 pm PDT

If the State Dept. and Obama accept Iran’s development of nuclear weapons, and Iran does develop nuclear weapons, the consequences will prove disastrous for the U.S., Israel, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Iraq, and other countries in the region. If Obama thinks he can appease the Iranians on this issue or imagines the Iranian mullahs will be peaceful with those weapons if the U.S. acquiesces, he is wrong. If this happens, be prepared for horrible war and the very difficult economic times that result from widespread war. This “issue” is not, in the real world, an issue at all. Iranian development of nuclear weapons cannot happen under any circumstances. Anyone, be they an international relations “expert” or average armchair analyst, who believes otherwise is either naive or engaged in wishful thinking. More than any other foreign policy dilemma, this is the most dangerous for the world. I will hope the Obama administration does the right thing, behaves responsibly, and unequivocally tells Iran and the American people that Iran will not acquire or develop nuclear weapons but if it does, the U.S. will stop them by any means necessary. Obama must do this very publicly; and now. I do not have much confidence in Obama however. The tragedy of acquiescence will be that we are dragged into a war after the horrible consequences of acquiescence occur.