
Google and Memorial Day

DEZes5/24/2009 10:01:14 pm PDT

re: #226 realwest

Yes, I do think there was a concerted effort to minimize their recognition of Memorial Day. In years past they’ve paid it no attention at all and when asked about it replied that it didn’t seem to fit with the “happy nature” of Google which their logo is intended to convey.
And I’m sorry if I piss Charles off here, but the more I read others interpretations and reflect on Memorial and Veteran’s days gone by, the less sure I am that Google did intend to commemorate Memorial Day at all - that that yellow ribbon is to symbolize the desire to bring the troops home.
And while I have no quibble with an enterprise which wishes to bring the troops home - I do have a quibble with one that does so on the official day to memorialize those who gave their lives so Google could belittle them.

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