
Video: Republicans Call for Raising the Debt Ceiling (In 2004)

albusteve7/31/2011 3:52:14 pm PDT

re: #216 TampaKnight

They got us to this point? The Democrats have not passed a budget in 823 days. Re-read that number for emphasis. The 2012 budget request that Pres Obama submitted in February didn’t address any of this, in fact, it actually added more debt to our bottom line. It was so atrocious, that it didn’t even get 1 vote in the Senate.

Why wasn’t anything done about our debt, if they cared about it, when the Democrats controlled the Presidency, the Senate (fillibuster proof), and the House? Why wasn’t a budget passed? Hell, why wasn’t a budget even proposed in the Senate?

We’re here today because there has been a complete negligence on the behalf of our government during the past 2.5 years to do the very basic functions of their jobs that they’re elected to do.

dude…you cannot win even one point here…but I give you credit for trying…those are reasonable questions