
Friday Night Cuteness: Tree Kangaroo Joey in Mom's Pouch

Decatur Deb9/01/2012 7:58:38 am PDT

re: #225 Jadewater

34 is not to late at all.

I just turned 40 and am starting something entirely new. Learning pretty much from the beginning stages. I’ve always wanted to get into film making, documentaries in particular. Last month after watching a movie I just decided ‘you know what I should just get on with it’. So I sat down and thought it through, put out some queries about an idea I had that was met with lots of enthusiasm, formulated a 6 month plan, got a joe job waitressing to earn some extra cash to fund it and now much to my delight
I’m well on my way to actually doing it. I’ve been going to ‘school’ on the internet as well as getting some help from real people. If all goes well in the spring I’ll be travelling for 3 months on a film project in Europe. Something I never even imagined doing 2 months ago.

And if you starve it will still be worth the trip.