
The Bob & Chez Show: Flukeman

majii10/15/2016 4:25:29 pm PDT

re: #221 Decatur Deb

“It’s important that Mr. Macarronio and his friends know that, if they start an insurrection, I’ll be right behind them.”

I don’t like guns, but since Pres. Obama entered office, I have purchased several and ammo for them. I live in GA, and I simply don’t trust some of the Trump supporters I run into. I had a guy follow me out of an Aldi’s grocery store a couple weeks ago in an attempt to try to “explain” to me why Trump was the only politician in America who could solve all of our problems. We’d had a prior conversation in the store that wasn’t political——-until he mentioned infowars. At that point, I walked out of the store. A very nice young lady just happened to hear me when I told him I was finished talking to him, and she remained in the parking lot with me until I’d unloaded my groceries into my trunk and he wandered on off to harass someone else. What I don’t have but plan to get is a permit to carry. I probably won’t carry a weapon everywhere I go, but I figure a permit might come in handy someday.