
The Big Shoe Drops: Michael Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying to the FBI

Targetpractice12/01/2017 1:28:05 pm PST

re: #226 Ace-o-aces

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The wingnut CT goes like this:

The Clintons and the DNC paid Fusion GPS to build a dossier with salacious rumors and vicious lies, regardless of where the info came from.

Fusion hired a Brit who then got fed a load of horseshit by Russians that were paid with money from the DNC to make up shit.

Steele took the dossier to the FBI, who then spent taxpayer money finding more lies to take to a FISA court to get a wiretap of Trump Tower.

The FBI used that wiretap to gather info that was funneled to the Clinton campaign, as well as build up a bullshit case against members of the Trump campaign.

When Hillary lost despite all the cheating, Obama ordered Rice to spill the beans to the press about who had been wiretapped, despite the things discussed by the targets being totally legal.

The media then colluded with the “Deep State” to hound Flynn out of office, while the FBI began to build a case against him for “lying” to them about something that was not a crime.

So, in their minds, Flynn is totally innocent, the charges against him are bogus, and the “real” criminals are the Clintons, Obama, Rice, and Comey for trying to railroad this brave patriot.