
Right Wing Twitter Freaks Out as Twitter Cracks Down on Bots and They Lose Thousands of Fake Followers

Dave In Austin2/21/2018 1:29:40 pm PST

Just spent the afternoon one on one with one of the Dem Congressional Cand, for the TX-25. Interesting woman but she need help strategizing. I told her to forget about the Republican men and their sons in the district and to concentrate on Republican women and their daughters. This should be the main focus after the primary. She hadn’t thought of that. But is rang clear as soon as she heard it. I also told her to get a national media champion (female). Oh!!
She’d hardscrabble, and it’s totally grassroots, no pac money. Anyway, I think I’m on the team. 1 time for everything. Suggestions? She is running in one of the reddest districts in the state.
@JulieforTX25 /Julie Oliver on FB