
Tigran Hamasyan: "The Dream Voyager"

Joe Bacon ✅8/29/2020 11:20:04 am PDT

re: #229 Jebediah, RBG

This is why the FCC needs to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine, Equal Time Provision and reinstate ownership limits to break up the 5 corporations that are the essential media components of the Republican 24/7 Bullshit Machine.

And then it’s time to kick churches off the Tax-exempt Gravy Train. Pulpit Pimps want to play the politics game? TAX THE FUCKING CHURCHES!

It’s also time for libel law reform. Pass British-style libel laws that make it clear about the first amendment NOT giving people the freedom to lie with impunity.

AND last—a national SLAPP law that stops corporations from muzzling people.