
Did They Launch or Didn't They?

NY Nana4/04/2009 9:38:59 pm PDT

re: #227 pink freud]

I wish you lived in the metro NY area, and could come to one of the 2 Seders.

Here is a traditional Seder plate It can be clicked on and explain what each symbol represents. Passover in, from what I understand, the most observed of the Jewish holidays. And yes, it really is very familial…our kids are split this year. My daughter, son in law and the grandson, and my second son, his wife and the 8 year old and the youngest son will be here Wednesday night for the first Seder, and my oldest son, daughter in law and the 6 year old and our youngest will be here for the second one, on Thursday night. I can’t believe how fast the little ones are growing! The 2 1/2 year old is practicing the Four Questions, as he goes to a Chabad Gan (nursery school), and the 8 year old will help out.

Uh, you wished me a merry Christmas 8 months early! ;) ‘Chag Pesach Sameach’ is the transliteration for ‘Happy Pesach’.

/Wanna come and help me get ready?

And since the Seder plate I posted is not working quite right, here is more info:

Youtube Video