
Tuesday Afternoon Open

Kosh's Shadow5/05/2009 2:08:17 pm PDT

re: #218 LGoPs

When I moved to Georgia after college, I discovered that people would come to a dead stop at the end of the Freeway On Ramp. Of course I’d be running down the ramp, coming up to speed for a safe merge and be looking over my shoulder to gauge the merge and at the last second relaize that the nimrod in front of me was at a dead stop.
I would add colorful words to the English language when that happened.

I get on Rt. 2, in central Mass, 2 lanes each way, divided highway, 55 limit.
In one stretch, there are Stop signs at the end of the on-ramps!
I hate it when people are going 70+ in the right lane and you’re trying to merge from standstill.