
Jaw-Dropper: Fox Affiliate in Orlando Calls Neo-Nazis a 'Civil Rights Group'

Lidane4/08/2012 6:27:35 pm PDT

re: #228 Mostly sane, most of the time.

What really bugs me is the “White culture.”

That’s the biggest bunch of hooey I ever heard of.

Seriously. Which “white culture” are they talking about — German, Irish, Scottish, English, Swedish, Belgian, Greek, Spanish, etc.? Europe has always been far more than just a monolithic “white” part of the world. There were cultural influences and inspirations from all over the world over there, just like there are here.

Things like the spice and silk trades, the slave trade, and all of the religious and cultural mixing (i.e., the Moors in Spain, etc.) have had an impact on Europe. You can’t just call all of it “white”. And here in the States there are all sorts of African and Latin influences (especially here in the South), loads of Asian influence out West, and lots of different cultural pockets all over the place. It’s stupid as all hell to just talk about “white culture”.