
Overnight Video: How a Bicycle Is Made (1945)

Lidane5/20/2012 7:44:31 am PDT

And here I thought the GOP was all about rich people going Galt. Cue the RWNJs going after Boehner for this:

Eduardo Saverin Bill Backed By John Boehner

Eduardo Saverin’s decision to renounce his United States citizenship in order to avoid paying taxes on his Facebook stock was “absolutely outrageous,” House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) told ABC’s George Stephanopolous on “This Week.”

Boehner said that his move was “already against the law,” likely referring to legislation written in the 1990s by now-Sen. Jack Reed (R-R.I.).

Saverin, a Facebook cofounder, could save tens or hundreds of millions in taxes by ditching his American citizenship. In a statement responding the outcry, Saverin said that it was unfortunate that his personal decision had created “a public debate.” But if there is a debate about his behavior, it’s decidedly one-sided, with everyone from Boehner to Democratic Sen. Chuck Schumer on the same side, and Saverin and Rush Limbaugh on the other.