
Your Disturbing Christmas Song of the Day: Sufjan Stevens - I'll Be Home for Christmas

lawhawk12/23/2012 6:01:35 am PST

So, I got to thinking about this issue last night, and wondered how we as a nation could think that having assault weapons in the hands of the masses makes people safer. After all, those assault weapons provide criminals with the means to kill law enforcement officers (their bullet proof vests do little to stop the firepower of those assault weapons ammo - it would take ceramic inserts/body armor).

No one is calling for confiscation of weapons, but could it be possible to ban sales going forward - grandfathering in the existing weapons, but eliminate all future transactions. In other words, the current owners of the weapons are the last owners of those weapons. No future sales, transfers, etc. At the end, those people will be compensated for the property, and this class of firearms is taken out of circulation over time.

Of course, the gun nuts will say that’s confiscation and violates their rights, but what of the rights of everyone else?

Black market sales will still occur, and will still be illegal, but it would reduce the size of the market/potential market over time. You might see an initial spike before the law takes effect, but the overall result would be reduction over time.

Nancy Lanza had one of these kinds of weapons. It didn’t save her. In fact, having that weapon was the proximate cause of her death (along with everyone else at the school).