
Putin Signs Law to Restrict and Monitor Bloggers, Thanks Edward Snowden for Inspiring It

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus5/07/2014 5:01:08 pm PDT

Meanwhile, down in Oklahoma:

5th District candidates declare their belief in Jesus

Congressional 5th District candidate Harvey Sparks said that as a follower of Jesus Christ, he believes in absolute truth at a Republican debate Tuesday evening at the First Baptist Church in Edmond.

Pastors of Reclaiming Oklahoma for Christ presented a 5th District candidates’ debate for Republicans running for the Oklahoma Congressional 5th District. About 450 people attended the event, according to Gary Ellis, associate pastor.

Each candidate spoke of how Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of their lives when they were asked what Jesus means to them by Oklahoma Wesleyan University President Everett Piper, who moderated the event.

Sparks said he believes the protection of the unborn is always right as well as the defense of traditional marriage. God has ordained marriage as the building block of life, said Sparks, of Oklahoma City.


Party of God, indeed.