
Chuck C. Johnson Trying to Use Twitter to Dox Another Rape Victim

Targetpractice1/22/2015 8:18:49 am PST

re: #215 CuriousLurker

This whole thing is making me really resent Netanyahu and the GOP, and I didn’t think I could resent the latter further. Both the former and the latter are attempting to insert themselves into our foreign policy and it pisses me off.

Presidents & PMs get briefed by agencies like the CIA & Mossad on a level the rest of us (including Congress) don’t. That the Mossad is breaking with Netanyahu over this leads me to suspect that there may be much more to it, and more at stake, than we realize.

Netanyahu has no business meddling in our internal politics, regardless of whether or not the GOP invited him. He sure as hell doesn’t like anyone telling Israel what they should do and has said so on more than one occasion. Like Israel’s PM, our President’s job is do what’s in the best interests of the United States, not the interests of some foreign country (or their PM’s political needs), regardless of how chummy our relationship is with them.

The fact that the GOP is willing to use a foreign leader to try to influence internal foreign policy decisions SUCKS in a major way and makes me despise them more than usual. It’s far too easy to imagine the howls of outrage and finger pointing about unpatriotic treachery that would occur if the Dems did the same to a sitting GOP President.

Hell, I don’t have to imagine it. How many times during Dubya’s reign did we get told that we shouldn’t allow foreign governments a “veto” on our foreign policy?