
A Classic Horrible Racist and Sexist Ad From the 80s: Mr. Microphone

Birth Control Works5/18/2015 6:32:30 am PDT

re: #218 Frenchy

Don’t watch the show (well, I am trying to catch up on it, but still haven’t finished S1), but have read all the books, and Sansa is not raped in the books. I don’t think GRRM writes the show at all, although he may be consulted…not sure on that.

Ramsay Bolton is quite the disturbing character in the books, and there are some explicit bits there, but nothing that rises to the level of televised rape, IMO.

Anyway, to echo someone from earlier, I do feel sorry for Sansa for most of the storyline but truthfully she is pretty stupid and worthless.

ASAIK, at the end of book 6, Sansa is still as pure as the driven snow. Mentally she is still living in a fairy tale waiting for her white knight to save her.

There is one scene in the TV series that I don’t remember in the books. Sansa is leaving the throne room after being abused by the little tyrant and Dinkle inercepts her offering help and she continues on her path saying something like “he is my king and my love”. Dinkle’s character says something like “you may survive us all, little dove.”

I think that was a bit of foreshadow. She is still (as far as anyone knows) the sole heir to her family’s lands. Her other siblings are dead or living some life in the supernatural world.

all and all, I”m still rooting for Daenerys.