
Neo-Nazi Friends of Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer Attack Police

Dark_Falcon8/28/2010 3:17:33 pm PDT

re: #222 sagehen

Oh, no, they really like the 7th — that’s the one that say any civil dispute worth more than $20 is entitled to a jury trial. That’s why they oppose the BP fund that Feinberg’s going to administer, each and every claim should be fought through the courts. However long it takes. No matter how much duplicate effort is involved with all the cases being due to the same incident. No matter how staggering the attorney’s fees will be for all those thousands and thousands of separate cases.

(that’s the amendments they want to get rid of. you didn’t mention the ones they want to add — the one about flag-burning, the one about abortion, the one about marriage…)

Well, they don’t want to repeal the 13th Amendment, “Thirteeners” want to add an amendment and renumber the rest. To be fair, such people have clearly stated they don’t want the recognized 13th Amendment repealed. It’s the 14th Amendment they dislike, since that’s the one that enhanced the powers of Congress and the expense of the states. Congress needed that power to correct egregious violations of life, liberty, and property in the southern states, but state’s rights activists have always hated it.