
Outrageous Outrage of the Day

DaddyG9/21/2010 2:12:58 pm PDT

re: #230 Fozzie Bear

I long for the good old days when people prayed in private, and it was considered extremely rude to push your religious beliefs on other people.

Evangelism, of every type, is evil. It inevitably leads to sectarian strife.

There is a fine line between sharing and pushing. It is sometimes a difficult one to walk. I hear you though. The idea that the American political system or American culture should be used to promote a particular religion or even social philosophy is in direct opposition of the constitution and the framers intent.

I wonder how many of the socons have stopped to consider that the same tactics they use to promote their beliefs can be used to ban them from the public discourse if they fall out of favor with the community?

As a religious monority I’ve certainly thought of it.