
Breitbart Blogger Dana Loesch Lies on CNN: 'Nobody Believes Obama Wasn't Born in Hawaii'

Birth Control Works5/30/2012 1:12:21 pm PDT

re: #223 Gus

Ay, caramba!. The stupid it burns: Indigo Children

Anyone with mental illness or a different learning style relates to the world differently than the rest of us. Which inherently means their perpective is unique and occasionlly, actually, correct.

I knew an autistic child once who would say “Mommy look at the deer” while riding in the car. There would be no visible deer, and after they passed the area, Mom would see deer crossing the street behind her.

Somehow, this child could interpret stimuli differently than everyone else. Either her visual skills were better at sorting the natural camoflauge of the deer or perhaps she heard things other’s didn’t. Either way, it is not a sign of supernatural powers. Just different skills at interpreting the world.

We could spend lots of resources on this, but in the end isn’t it better to help the child integrate into a functional life?