
Live Video: President Obama's Statement on Boston Marathon Bombings

Romantic Heretic4/15/2013 5:13:06 pm PDT

re: #106 #CPAC: I Have A Short Mingle Stick.THANKS OBAMA.

I have to admit, my first thought was not a Muslim terrorist. One of the biggest reasons was because Muslim terrorists tend to use live sacrificial people in their acts. From almost the beginning they were reporting remote devices and suspicious bags.
Does not mean I think for sure it was not Muslim Terrorists just that the M.O. was a little different.

My reason for suspecting a domestic person or group is target selection. I’m reasonable certain that the reason the Twin Towers, The Pentagon and the White House were chosen was because of their international reputation. It would send a message to the whole world.

And as I found out later bin Laden hoped it would provoke the U.S. to invading a country in the Muslim world. Preferably Afghanistan where the U.S. would get its prick in the meat grinder like the Soviets, and radicalize large sections of the Muslim world. But Iraq suited him just as well.

The Boston Marathon doesn’t, so far as I know, have the same international cachet as the 9/11 targets. This event’s message is directed at America and America alone.