
Limbaugh: "The Pope Is Ripping America... Obama's Having an Orgasm"

Dark_Falcon12/05/2013 5:56:24 am PST

re: #215 Rev_Arthur_Belling

Dean Baker writes about the latest front in the class wars: Pension Theft: Class War Goes to the Next Stage

I’m among those who will get shafted by the state of Illinois thanks to the lege not paying into the fund for the past 30 years, unless the state supreme court overrules this latest pension theft “reform.”

And apparently, there are moves to do similar “reform” to California public pensions. And Illinois and California are governed by Democratic executives and legislatures!

It’s maddening and disheartening to be constantly under attack for expecting to be paid what you are owed.

Illinois does not have the money to pay you all you were promised and there is no way for the government to get it from taxes, because the levels required would drive businesses out of the state.

You’re getting a raw deal because the legislature didn’t do its job right, but their failure to fund the pension system properly cannot be undone. I am truly sorry you’re going to be hurt by these reforms, but it is the only way to keep Illinois solvent.