
SICK: GOP Senators Warn Iran Not To Trust The U.S.

blueraven3/09/2015 1:36:22 pm PDT

re: #217 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Which R’s didn’t sign it?

Seven Republican senators are not signatories to the letter, and it’s an interesting list:

Bob Corker of Tennessee, who is the chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Corker is the sponsor of a bill that would increase sanctions on Iran only if Congress rejects a final agreement with Iran;
Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, a Washington veteran;
Dan Coats of Indiana, whose office declined to comment;
Susan Collins of Maine, a leading moderate Republican;
Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, who also sometimes bucks her party;
Thad Cochran of Mississippi; and
Jeff Flake of Arizona, whose office told me Flake supports Corker’s bill because he thinks the Senate ought to have a say in any deal but considered the letter “unnecessary.”