
Video: Louie "Terror Babies" Gohmert Jumps Out and Yells About "Radical Islam"

Shropshire Slasher6/23/2016 4:32:39 am PDT

Son of Sam has said he has found his calling helping other inmates during his recent parole hearing.

David Berkowitz aka “Son of Sam” is one of New York’s most notorious serial killers — yet he told a parole board he views himself as a model inmate and says that he is carrying out his “life’s calling” as a “caregiver” behind bars.

“I’ve really done wonderful,” said Berkowitz appearing before a parole board during his latest and 15th parole hearing, according to the transcript, dated May 17, obtained by The Post.

He has had time to reflect:

In a letter to the parole board that Berkowitz typed on a typewriter from his cell the night before the hearing, he called himself a Christian and detailed how he “helped” inmates and even “counseled” them over the years.