
Trump Barred From Speaking to NYPD Officers, Then Says Police Commissioner Is Lying

majii7/08/2016 4:58:56 pm PDT

re: #218 Kragar

I read a post on Allan Colmes’ site today stating that members of Trump’s campaign have decided to begin limiting his media appearances. It’s probably because they realize that Trump suffers from persistent ”foot in mouth disease.” I’ve seen this move before. I recall that in 2008, the McCain Campaign decided to try limiting Palin’s interactions with the MSM, but it was too late. The crazy had already escaped and was making its rounds throughout America. I also think it’s too late for Trump’s campaign staffers to attempt to make a pivot and make him appear to be more presidential that he is capable of being. I think his video statement on the deaths in Minnesota, Louisiana, and in Dallas are his feeble, awkward attempt to change public opinion, but I don’t think it will work because his crazy has already been witnessed, and until now, he’s made no attempt to appear thoughtful about any issue. I think it’s way too late to try to put the cray cray genie back into the bottle.