
Donald Trump's Most Awful Moments in the "National Security" Forum

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷9/08/2016 7:14:58 am PDT

Wingnuts still don’t get it, for all their supposed support of military, veterans, and their families.

It is tragic that four people were lost in Benghazi.

By law, a Gold Star Family member is a parent, sibling, or child of a military member who fell in combat during certain armed actions as defined by Congress.

The designation does not include the family members of the Diplomatic Corps, no matter how much wingnuts want to make it so. It actually demeans and cheapens the designation of Gold Star Family member to claim

a) Hillary Clinton lied about Gold Star Family members
b) That the persons involved are Gold Star Family members.

The Republican Convention had a woman who attacked Hillary Clinton’s position, to which Hillary Clinton said she disagreed, but offered her condolences.

The Democratic Convention had a man who attacked Donald Trump’s position, to which wingnutistan went ballistic, accusing him of being a terrorism supporter, then all of us being terrorism supporters for standing up for him and his wife.

My mother and I never thought that wearing our Gold Star Family pins would be as a protest against a major-party candidate. (Neither of us normally wore them, me only in formal clothes for special function, as we did not wish special attention from the public. Now we both wear them every day.)

I am pretty much disgusted with Movement Conservatism, throwing shade on the family of an Army captain who gave the full measure of his devotion. It is beyond disgusting. It is not patriotic, and those who continue in that vein are not patriots.