
Saturday Jam: Snarky Puppy Guitarist Mark Lettieri, "Montreal"

Odie Hugh Manatee10/21/2017 7:46:38 pm PDT

It’s a bit long but it was a huge pile of shit to think my way through. I’ve ‘digested’ what Kelly said in his presser and my conclusion is that it’s fucked up in just about every way I look at it.

Kelly mentions civilian leadership of the military then veers off into how those who have never been a part of the military will never understand their special bond and the way they view their role in our nation. His saying this sets up a divide between civilians and the military, one that should never exist (IMO). This tells me that he is a person who believes that civilians will never be on the same level as members of our military, nor will they ever understand what this means. Those of us who have not served understand that those who have served do have a special bond but to have a military leader (former or not) state that in the way he did, when he did, is just wrong.

Kelly talks about how the Tangerine NAZI Rape Clown did nothing wrong when he called the wife of Lt. Johnson and grunted out his ‘condolences’ and then goes on to basically describe how he pretty much instructed Fuckface Von Clownstick in what to say. This means that, once again, Combover Caligula blew it. Stating what he did confirmed to me, once again, that Putin’s Circus Peanut has the attention span of a gnat, the intellectual depth of a thimble and is as empathetic as a pile of bullshit.

Kelly states how he is aghast at the Congresswoman listening in on the horrible shit that Hair Furor said without knowing the totality of the circumstances that led to her being present in the car during that call. This tells me that when Commander Fucknoodle’s shit hits the fan, Kelly opens his mouth, swallows it and then barfs up whatever he views as necessary to cover Twitler’s ass.

Kelly reminisces about how at some point in his past women were once revered by men but to his deepest regrets that is no longer the case. What this tells me is that he never really respected women in the first place. It also tells me that he thinks it’s open season on any women that he or his party disapproves of.

Kelly talks of the honor and respect that those in the military deserve and then goes on to tell a bullshit made up story about Congresswoman Wilson that was specifically worded to make her look like an empty, grubby, opportunistic Democratic politician. IOW, a horrible woman, thus justifying his view that such women no longer deserve his respect. This shows me that he he has no problem tossing any honor and respect for others out the window and shitting all over them, in this case a woman who deserves kudos for her life’s accomplishments. His actions were to confirm the conservative caricatures of Democratic politicians as evil, empty soulless monsters.

By giving cover to the Jaundiced Jackass and his abuse of Gold Star parents and spouses, Kelly allowed Mango Mussolini to cover wipe his ass with the memory of his son. This shows me that when his son was KIA while serving in Iraq during the Obama administration and Kelly had said he didn’t want his son’s death to be politicized, what Kelly really meant was that it wasn’t the right time to do so. What he did was show me that his son’s memory means less to him than the cover it offers his boss, Comrade Chaos. Wow…

In the end, what I got from his presser was that he is a cold, calculating, misogynistic, opportunistic bald faced liar who has no use for facts and thinks that his military service puts him and those like him on a level above the civilians they serve. These are not traits anyone would want in a leader of our military, let alone the Chief of Staff in the Kim Jong Orange administration.

Did I miss anything? There was a lot there to process, that’s for sure. If this was food I would have the shits for a month, that’s how bad it was.