
Krauthammer: The Fierce Urgency of Pork

Rexatosis2/06/2009 10:21:57 am PST

Not so OT: I talked to an old friend last night, one who has suffered from BDS for quite some time. He and his wife voted for Obama and gave me some gentle ribbing over the election (we agree to disagree). He asked me how the hell Obama had screwed up so bad already? If hard-core libs in the Northeast are shaking their heads on this pork-a-palooza bill it isn’t just bad it is beyond offal. Obama’s administration is going off the rails before he even got it on the tracks. This is going to be a long…….four years.

Now OT, can someone explain why the POTUS is completely ignoring Kentucky? Isn’t it customary for the POTUS to atleast express some sympathy for those Americans suffering from a natural disaster, Isn’t the POTUS supposed to request aid from the public in the form of charitable giving?