
Tuesday Afternoon Open

itellu3times5/05/2009 2:08:22 pm PDT

re: #194 Honorary Yooper

Damn, that had to hurt for him. Granted I suggest entering a freeway at speed, but one must also make sure there is space to enter. I learned the Detroit method of entering a freeway.
1. Get up to speed by the end of the ramp. Not 45, not 55, be going 70+.
2. Make sure there is enough room to do so. Do not check for space at the last possible second, choose your spot before you are halfway down the ramp.
3. Merge in smoothly and adjust speed to the flow. Do not expect traffic already on the freeway to adjust for you.

That’s called energy management.

Very similar deal in Los Angeles. Say you get on the freeway on a lane that then turns into an exit-only, so you have merge, then move over one more. Always, some guy in a Tahoe will be in that #2 lane, overtaking at about 85. He will not slow down to let you merge. He will pass you, then hit the brakes, slowing to 45, preparing to exit, making it that much harder for you to merge left.

To follow your energy management solution, pulling in front of him at 85, I guess I’d need another 80 horsepower or so.