
Video: No Global Warming in the Last 10 Years?

lincolntf9/07/2009 5:01:36 pm PDT

re: #186 jantjepietje

They didn’t get crushed (though many suffered) because it was a temporary market spike. Taxes last forever. If individuals losing more of their income doesn’t bother you, at least consider the institutions. The same oil/gas that you want to “mega-tax” heats and runs schools, hospitals, busses, ambulances,etc. All of those bills will soar. Therefore other taxes will soar to make up for the shortfalls. Happens every time.
Every shelter, every assistance program, every public service agency will all see their fuel bills skyrocket. What gain can we expect from subjecting our economy (and our neediest citizens) to this absurdity? A half-degree projected temp. drop over 50 years? An extra mating pair of polar bears in Al Gore’s next film? Count me out of that scheme.