
The Door Opens - Update: The Door Closes

BryanS10/02/2009 6:37:14 pm PDT

re: #218 PT Barnum

I came to LGF because it appears to be reasonably sane and willing to call BS on the stuff coming from the uber-reich lately.

I am probably more to the center left than most here in that I think the effectiveness of government is much more important than the size of government, and that government does have its place in solving some problems, but not all.

Having worked in corporate america for the last 20 years, I have no faith whatsoever in the private sector being any more efficient or fair than the public sector when doing anything.

Using an oxymoron as a literary device of some sort, or are we to expect government to be effective some how? You have seen our Congress of late, right? Both parties, right?

And by the way, welcome.