
Super Bowl Sunday Night Open

TampaKnight2/07/2010 8:12:02 pm PST

re: #231 Gus 802

If one were to remove welfare it would have to be replaced with another means of revenue generation for said citizens. Welfare benefits are at best minimal and come with a great deal of constraints and requirements for the recipients.

If it were to be eliminated completely with no alternative we as a society would have far worse problems then with the present budget requirements for these entitlements. In the current economic climate it is completely unfeasible or unthinkable. One would also have to completely reinvent the American economy where most of the jobs have been shipped overseas.

I never said cut them off right now. We need to find BIG cuts elsewhere to pay off the people who we’ve grown dere: #232 marjoriemoon

You know nothing about welfare reform. That would be the 1996 Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act signed by Clinton and enacted by a Republican Congress.

Benefits (i.e. food stamps) are limited to able-bodied working adults. Some are required to learn a trade while they are collecting and their benefits are limited to 2 years while they do so. Companies who hire such workers are given tax breaks as an incentive. Average time on welfare except for the work program is approximately 6 months. The majority of the population on welfare are white, single woman with 1 or 2 children.

You lose, but thanks for playing.

And that has WHAT to do with the elderly who are dependent on social security?