
Senate Republicans Block Repeal of 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

Dark_Falcon9/21/2010 6:41:33 pm PDT

re: #231 Obdicut

It has changed in this congress. With the GOP as a minority. They are the ones who changed it. The number of filibusters had been gradually creeping up, but they have increased them by an order of magnitude. Just like they have blocked a record number of appointments— appointments of people to jobs that actually need to be done.

But you accuse the Democrats of playing procedural games. By asking that a bill be voted on.

No, by tacking on amendments and then refusing to allow any from the other party to be even offered. Brown Snowe and Collins would be simply conceding to Reid if they voted for cloture. Reid said “My way or the highway” and got the predictable response.