
The GOP's Drive to Tear Down the Wall of Separation

Gus10/27/2010 2:31:01 pm PDT

re: #219 prairiefire

When those nice, young State Department workers were killed, my super liberal mum said it was time “to take them out”.
I think more overt reaction from the US would be shocking, but also popular. FBI sweep? State Dept. Blackwater sweep? Missiles? What are the options?

The only option I see has to come from within Mexico. They’re the ones that are responsible for having created a criminal drug smuggling culture that performs these inhuman criminal acts. They’re the ones that have a sub-culture that sing songs that glorify the killings and gangs. And then there is the economic disparity that exists in Mexico. The list is endless. Calderon just gets to sit on his hands and blame everything on the USA.