
Note to Rick Perry: Teaching Creationism in Public Schools is Illegal

Targetpractice8/18/2011 5:58:51 pm PDT

re: #230 Gus 802

I’m having a hard time picturing the Republican party and conservatives calming down after another 4 years of Obama. Worse so the wingnuts and others sundry extremists. I think they will continue on this course and try again in 2016 even if they fail in 2012. Huntsman will still be considered an outsider when that time comes. The atavists will continue to define the Republican party. No change.

Think it depends on how good or bad things turn out for them. They win the White House and Congress, then the Tea Party will be here to stay. If they win one but lose the other, it’ll cause a couple years of navel-gazing as to why they only succeed partially. If they fail both by sharp margins, they’ll argue anything from voter turn-out to voter fraud.

Only with a complete, Mondale-scale blowout will the Tea Party be well and truly gone after next year. Because the blowback from not just the voters, but the party establishment would make flying the TP flag political suicide.