
Live Video: CPAC 2012, With Bonus White Nationalists

Gus2/09/2012 11:41:01 am PST

re: #221 Ooh, look, shiny…

Who are these men?

Debate: Is the “Arab Spring” Good or Bad for America? – Marriott Ballroom*
The Honorable Jim Gilmore, President and Chief Executive Officer, Free Congress Foundation
and Former Governor of Virginia, Former Member, Congressional Homeland Security
Commission (1999-2003)
The Honorable Zalmay Khalilzad, President, Gryphon Partners, Former U.S. Permanent
Representative to the UN, Former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq, and Former U.S. Ambassador
to Afghanistan
The Honorable Elliott Abrams, Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies, Council on Foreign
David French, Senior Counsel, American Center for Law & Justice
Moderator: Cliff May, President, Foundation for the Defense of Democracies