
We've Come Too Far to Turn Back Now

allegro8/18/2012 2:19:33 pm PDT

re: #232 Dark_Falcon

Just because everything in there is legal, doesn’t mean some Super PAC couldn’t spin something to make it look shady. Remember, political ads are under no obligation to provide a fair representation of the facts.

A counter offer would be possible if and only if all the major Super PACs for both sides were willing to agree to a code of standards for their campaign ads. Otherwise, Mitt Romney would be facing a situation wherein a Pro-Obama Super PAC distorted his tax returns while Jim Messina simply shrugged and said he was not to blame for the attacks. Which would be true, but that truth wouldn’t help Mitt Romney.

No, swift rejection of Messina’s offer was the correct answer.

So he’s better to look bad for hiding whatever is in his taxes that he’s apparently afraid will come out? Because that’s exactly what is happening. Even Republicans are calling for him to release his taxes like every other presidential candidate since his dad.