
Stephen Colbert Interviews Nate Silver: "Are You Trying to Put the Pundits Out of Work?"

Obdicut (Now with 2% less brain)11/06/2012 1:47:20 pm PST

re: #226 Gus

It’s satire.

Mitt Romney is by no means a perfect candidate. He may have no coherent or consistent principles beyond a steadfast belief in his own superhuman competence. He may have surrounded himself with charlatans and liars in his pursuit of power for the sake of flattering his staggering self-importance. His vice-presidential nominee may be a bizarre combination of overgrown adolescent Randian and pious ultra-Catholic misogynist. He may have a sociopathic indifference to the concept of honesty.

But there is still a chance that he will magically decide to do all the things that I like and want him to do once he is office.