
Trump's Total Ban on Muslims Is Back on His Website

mmmirele11/10/2016 2:04:34 pm PST

My mom is 76 years old, legally blind and pretty darn deaf. She voted for Trump. I talked my brother into going on a vacation, so I am spending time at her house so I can keep an eye on her.

She asked me this morning about the election, if there was any more news. I said I didn’t want to talk about it. But then I said, “I have one thing to say and then I won’t talk about it anymore. You voted for a racist, sexist pig and I am disappointed in you.” She tried to give me a “there were two candidates” spiel, but I was having none of it. I told her exactly what a Trump presidency means: it means trouble for women, people of color, immigrants and Muslims. And I didn’t approve of it. Oh yeah, I also told her I was getting a passport. Not that I expect to leave the country, not that I want to leave the country, but if it all turns to shit, I want the option.

It’s hard to talk to my mom—I was doing this through a paper megaphone, but she heard me loud and clear. I feel very alone right now. I’ve always been the liberal in the extended family (both sides are from the South via Arkansas and Oklahoma) but the thought that most of my blood kin voted for the short-fingered vulgarian is upsetting to me.