
Save the Humans: The Turning Point [VIDEO]

Targetpractice1/05/2020 10:40:44 am PST

The obvious question is “What now?” It took years of cooperation and tough negotiations to force Iran to a position where it gave up nuclear ambitions at the table in exchange for sanctions relief. Trump has neither time nor numbers on his side, as the other parties to the JCPOA negotiations are likely to tell him to stuff it if he tries to resurrect the sanctions regime that forced those original negotiations. And he’s no chance at the UN, because both Russia and China will tell him where to get off if he tries to push for actions in the Security Council, to say nothing of just how negative a reception he’d receive in the General Assembly.

The man has so politically isolated us on the international stage that he’s made armed conflict all but inevitable if he’s serious about significantly damaging or stopping Iran’s nuclear program.