
Overnight Open Thread

iceweasel6/08/2009 4:14:30 am PDT

re: #226 BatGuano

We’re a diverse bunch here nd I wouldn’t have it any other way (my own opinion).

I’d describe the blog/commenters as trending center/right, overall, but there’s an astonishing array of opinions and a very high tolerance of divergent opinions. Also a uniformly high quality to the opinions, on whatever side of any ideological lines. It’s really the best blog on the internet for political discussion, due in no small part to Charles’ diligence in policing the threads. Any comment thread that is unmoderated, on any blog, eventually devolves into a cesspool whether it’s on the left or the right. Charles keeps that from happening here.

I wish more people on the left read here; they’d find much to agree with and much to make them think. And some people here would be surprised to discover how much we can all agree on. My own opinion also.