
New Oklahoma Abortion Bill Challenged

SanFranciscoZionist10/08/2009 5:22:30 pm PDT

re: #76 HoosierHoops

Damn..I can’t spell tonight..Maybe try that button for spellcheck sometime..
You know what is funny.. You know my last name..It doesn’t get any more German than that..Seriously..
Have you ever had any one tell you? ’ You don’t look German’
Really..All you can do is throw your arms up and say ’ TA DA!’

I once had a man tell me, very seriously, after Shabbos Shacharit, that I didn’t look Jewish. Romanian maybe. What can you say to this? I made the error of chalking it up to my father’s Irish genes, which led to a much longer conversation than previously planned.

(I do, in fact look Romanian. Also Spanish. I think it’s the effect of Germano-Celtic facial features being layered over with something Semitic.)