
Overnight Ocean

Birth Control Works11/30/2009 6:55:13 am PST

re: #232 Rightwingconspirator

Bail for child rapists? After how many convictions, how much violence? That bail judge needs to resign. Each and every weak link in the chain needs to be addressed. Putting a stop to foolish bail, foolish clemency is critical to public safety. I’m all for bail for the non violent, the first time offender. The housewife DUI. The middle manager with cocaine.

But those who have allegedly violated a child? Unless it is the weakest case or an alibi looks very possible- No bail.

Any DA’s or ex judges in the house this morning? How does this happen?

The whole thing pisses-me off. I think the crime is so horrific that something primal in good people just can’t believe it’s real. So the perpetrators play on this and get away with it over and over.