
The New York Times is Possessed by Satan

swamprat4/04/2010 5:21:16 pm PDT

re: #213 Stanley Sea

Brother -in law married one.

The Associated Press
Thursday, April 5, 2007; 9:08 PM
— The most infamous feud in American folklore, the long-running battle between the Hatfields and McCoys, may be partly explained by a rare, inherited disease that can lead to hair-trigger rage and violent outbursts.
Dozens of McCoy descendants apparently have the disease, which causes high blood pressure, racing hearts, severe headaches and too much adrenaline and other “fight or flight” stress hormones.

She is nuttier than squirrel poo.

At the wedding, you never saw so many zztop beards and old pickup trucks. These guys were straight from central casting.

Made me feel right at home, that part.