
Gingrich Blows the Dog Whistle Loud and Clear

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus4/09/2010 6:40:55 am PDT

re: #198 Ericus58

I’m not discounting anything. Yet, if there is a meeting whose reason for being is “nuclear security” (to use the BBC phrase), I can hardly fault any nation for bringing up the existence of nuclear weapons in the hands of neighbor/near-by states.

Why did the Israeli PM even originally plan to attend such a meeting? It seems like a major faux pas on the part of Netanyahu? As the BBC’s analyst points out in the link you gave:

Mr Netanyahu’s decision is on the face of it quite odd. After all, he must have expected some focus on Israel’s own nuclear programme at this conference.

Indeed, he acknowledged this possibility two days ago when he announced he would attend. He said that since Israel was not a terrorist or a rogue state, he had nothing to fear.

In your original post you said:

Turkey, under an Islamic Government, has firmly moved from being an ally of Israel to the anti-Israel camp.

I’m not sure on why you relate the NPT/nuclear summit issue with this.